Non-Profit and Advocacy

International Medical Creative Therapy Spokesperson

Dr. Tortora is a strong advocate for making dance/movement therapy available to all those affected by trauma or illness and raising global awareness of the emotional, physical, creative and cognitive development needs of infants and young children.

Dr. Tortora currently serves as the International Medical Creative Therapy Spokesperson for Dréa’s Dream- the Andréa Rizzo Foundation and provides dance/movement therapy services to pediatric patients on their behalf at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

Board Seats and Committees

Dr. Tortora has been a board member for the New York Zero-to-Three Network 2006 in support of their mission to raise awareness, provide education and support in assuring the healthy physical, emotional and cognitive development of infants and young children in the state. Dr. Tortora also currently serves on the American Dance Therapy Association Alternative Route Educators Committeee.


Lectures & Workshops